Tuesday, April 11, 2006

and now a word from our sponser

Friends of The Duck & Herring Co.:

We are pleased to announce that our Pocket Field Guide for Spring 2006
should be back from the printer this week and is ready for pre-order.
Please visit our site at duckandherring.com to order yours today.

Though it has been delayed in its release, we are very excited about
this issue, which features a brightly colored cover, new D&H logos, and
stories on love, Mexican travel, mistaken celebrity, tulips, Mario,
immigration, April Fool's, and death. Readers will also find our
patented seasonal to-do list, another language lesson from our Montreal
correspondent, spring recipes, highlights in the spring night sky, and
haiku. Blank sections for personal notes/sketches included.

Contributors are: Laurel Snyder, Murray Brozinsky, Matthew Boyd, Joseph
Young, Thomas Bell, Terra Elan McVoy, Rachel Trousdale, Sharon McGill,
John Ritchie, Maria Robinson, Peter Sapira, Larry Gaffney, and Risa

As always, thanks for supporting The Duck & Herring Co., and we hope you
enjoy the spring.

The Editors


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