Sunday, March 19, 2006

Game 21: Mysterious Skin (22) vs Downfall (43)

Mom has moved into her new apartment, bought a three prong converter thingy for her electrical outlet, set up her DVD player and is watching movies again. She has watched another pair, let's find which she preferred, shall we?

This time around she watched Mysterious Skin (22) vs Downfall (43).

Winner: Downfall (43)

She said, ""Mysterious Skin". rating NO OPINION .... One boy finds there is easy money in selling himself for sex. The other young boy spends his days in a world of fantasy, with foreign creatures, with a friend that has a bad leg, ect..."

"Scoring of DOWNFALL Score 5 excellent, true portrayal and commentary on the last days of A. Hitler, the final end of his monstrous leadership during WWII. I highly recommend it."

Todd finally missed one, allowing Jan to sneak up and share the lead. Bill scored a point to tie with VAsko. 25 years of knowing Mom has not helped Tony at all. To be fair, she has picked an upset everytime so far.

Rank Predictor Score
1 Jan - 4
2 Todd King - 4
3 - 3
4 Ben Owens - 3
5 PCH - 3
6 Rowan Reid - 3
7 Terry Maltos - 2
8 Rock Star's Wife - 2
9 Bill M. - 2
10 VAsko - 2
11 Nancy - 2
12 Sara Sara - 2
13 greg - 1
14 Tarzan - 1
15 Tony Owens - 0

The Etherpimp never said it was ok to call him the Easter Pimp.

Up Next!
Game 19: Batman Begins (18) vs Land of the Dead (47)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE the easter pimp - where can i get a hat like that? and yahoo for jan - finally!!! i'm sure i'll tank, but it's nice for now.

3:57 AM  

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