Friday, April 07, 2006

Game 26: Old Boy (32) vs Tropical Malady (33)

Moving along nicely.

Seeds 32 and 33! Game 26: Old Boy (32) vs Tropical Malady (33)

Winner: Tropical Malady (33)

Pick me, I'm clean!!
Mom said, " OLDBOY. I had a hard time with this movie extremely violent , eating live things. pulling teeth ect.... lots of blood...

"Tropical malady.
The film started of what I thought was a documentary on why you should or should not visit Thailand...then the movie changed to a mystic adventure , beautiful shots of the tropical Forrest in Thailand , mystic animals spirits make it almost a children's story
The last part of the movie has no dialogue......

"Match with oldboy....... tropical malady is my choice. "

I saw Old Boy. If you ever wanted to watch someone eat an octopus, then this is your movie!

Nancy Pants jumps into the top 10!! Good job Nancy.

The Pants Strike Back!
Rank Predictor Score
1 Jan - 6
2 Todd King - 6
3 - 5
4 PCH - 5
5 Rock Star's Wife - 5
6 VAsko - 5
7 Rowan Reid - 5
8 Ben Owens - 4
9 Tarzan - 4
10 Nancy - 4
11 greg - 3
12 Terry Maltos - 3
13 Bill M. - 3
14 Sara Sara - 3
15 Tony Owens - 1

Game 23: Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Wererabbit (26) vs Holy Girl (39)

Psst! This is a really excellent movie!
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