Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Game 38: Millions (50) vs Walk the Line (19)

And we are back!!! My computer died so it has been a while since we have been able to chat. Anyway...

Mom has made another pick!

Game 38: Millions (50) vs Walk the Line (19)

Winner: Millions (50)

Mom said, "this is a hard one, I liked j. cash. However, I will have to go with millions. Millions is my choice"

Johnny tells Mom what he thinks about this pick.

Not much changing on the leader board...

Rank Predictor Score
1 Jan -26
2 PCH - 25
3 Bill M. -24
4 greg - 23
5 Tony Owens - 23
6 Rock Star's Wife - 21
7 VAsko - 20
8 Todd King - 19
9 Tarzan - 19
10 Nancy - 19
11 Etherpimp.com - 18
12 Terry Maltos - 16
13 Rowan Reid -16
14 Sara Sara - 16
15 Ben Owens - 14

Coming Up:
1 point game! The #1 seed! Tony's and Rowans pick: Brokeback Mountain (1) vs Sara's Pick: Turtles Can Fly (64). Game 1: Brokeback Mountain (1) vs Turtles Can Fly (64). Battle Royal!!

2 point game! Game 37: Saraband (34) vs Capote (3). PCH has picked Capote (3) to go all the way. Jan is calling Mom right now, telling her to put in her vote for Saraband!

2 point game! Etherpimp's pick, King Kong, fights a girl!. Game 44: The Holy Girl (39) vs King Kong (6)

2 point game! Game 39: Constant Gardener (11) vs Nobody Knows (23)

Other movies Mom will be watching...
1 point game! Ben's, Bill's, Todd's pick to win the whole thing: Munich (8). Game 32: Munich (8) vs Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (57)

Movie's up for disqualification.
The following movies might not be release by the time Mom has not finished watching the rest of the movies. If this is so, then they will be disqualified. Damn shame. Yes, this is a change in the original rules that stated that we would wait until the end of the year for all movies to come out, but now that just seems silly. We would have to wait months before we could disqualify them.
Power of Nightmares (60)
Darwin's Nightmare (56)

If those movies are disqualified, these movies will progress to round two automatically. Mom will watch them and rank them against whatever won previously. Sorry, them's the breaks.
The Squid and the Whale (5)
Grizzly Man (9)


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