Sunday, July 30, 2006

Game 4: Match Point (13) vs The Upside of Anger (42)

Mom has watched another movie!

Game 4: Match Point (13) vs The Upside of Anger (42)

Winner for 1 point: Match Point (13)

Mom says,

" the upside of anger score 4

"a wonderful movie... five women and one man.... poor guy.... Mike bounden does not profile C.Kostners character in a negative way, he stands tall against all those ladies.... which make the movie great. Joan Allen is the best."

"match point score 5

"now here is the best... written and directed by woody Allen! you know, it is my belief ole woody just can not do wrong.... for years now I have so enjoyed his is a great movie with a great ending.... so woody...."

"my choice of reviewing is without a doubt match point.
PS I am going to watch again tonight."

Jan picked Match Point to go all the way, so she is happy with this pick. Six of you are tied with 15 points. PCH is the first to make it to 20. For that she wins the coveted 'First to 20 Award'

PCH is first to 20

Rank Predictor Score
1 PCH - 20
2 Jan - 18
3 Bill M. -18
4 Tony Owens - 17
5 - 15
6 greg - 15
7 Rock Star's Wife - 15
8 Todd King - 15
9 Tarzan - 15
10 VAsko - 15
11 Nancy - 14
12 Rowan Reid - 13
13 Ben Owens - 12
14 Terry Maltos - 12
15 Sara Sara - 11

Boy, we are going getting busy. We have a lot of movies to knock out.
Coming Up:
1 point game! Game 9: Mrs Henderson Presents (62) vs Capote (3)

1 point game! Game 11: Keane (46) vs Walk the Line (19)

2 point game! Vasko's pick vs Jan's pick for the whole thing!! Game 34: Pride and Prejudice (17) vs Match Point (13)

2 point game! Nancy's Pick: March of the Penguins (41) Game 47: March of the Penguins (41) vs My Summer of Love (53)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take *that* Sara Sara! ;)
Moms are suckers for Woody's boyish good looks. Too bad I personally thought this movie was a tremendous bore. I didn't even make it to the end.
Give me "Take The Money And Run" Woody any day of the week! :)

9:03 PM  

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