Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Game 3: Pride and Prejudice (17) vs The Beat That My Heart Skipped (48)

Vasko's Dog
What did mom think about Vasko's pick to win the whole thing?

Game 3: Pride and Prejudice (17) vs The Beat That My Heart Skipped (48)

Winner for one point: Pride and Prejudice (17)

Mom says, "The Beat That My Heart Skipped
a interesting race of what do I want to do with
my life . I thought it a little too chopped up...
scoring a four"

"Pride and Prejudice (17)
Having seen all of jane austens movies more than once will tell you how much I enjoy her books.The movie is a wonderful look into family life in the 18th century with too many daughters...
I think, all of her books have been made into movies.... having seen Jane Austens EMA atleast four times...will tell you I am a FAN...right?
Score five
Pride and Prejudice is my choice for the second viewing. "

Vasko's pick lives to fight another day. Bill and Vasko are still fighting it out.

Bill's Mother
Rank Predictor Score
1 PCH - 17
2 Jan - 16
3 - 15
4 Todd King - 13
5 Ben Owens - 12
6 Bill M. -12
7 VAsko - 12
8 Nancy - 12
9 greg - 11
10 Rock Star's Wife - 11
11 Tarzan - 10
12 Rowan Reid -10
13 Sara Sara - 10
14 Terry Maltos - 9
15 Tony Owens - 9

Up Next: Game 27: Sin City (20) vs Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (45)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tied for last! Woo hoo!!
Go Terry, go Terry, go Terry. ;)

5:26 PM  

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