Friday, October 27, 2006

Game 52: Nobody Knows (23) vs Best of Youth (27)

She is kicking your ass!
4 point game. Game 52: Nobody Knows (23) vs Best of Youth (27)

Winner: Best of Youth (27)

Mom said,

"choice of movies! the Best of Youth....... it was hard both movies are wonderful....."

Boy, how much do you hate Mom now? What are these two movies and how in the world did a 6 hour long movie make it into the top 8 movies? Well Sara loves Mom! She scored 4 points. Keep it up Sara and everyone will hate you too.

Shoot for the stars Sara

Rank Predictor Score
1 Jan - 40
2 PCH - 34
3 Rock Star's Wife - 34
4 Sara Sara - 32
5 - 30
6 greg - 30
7 Nancy - 30
8 Bill M. - 29
9 Tony Owens - 26
10 Tarzan - 26
11 Todd King - 25
12 VAsko - 25
13 Ben Owens - 20
14 Terry Maltos - 20
15 Rowan Reid - 20


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And everyone thought I was smoking crack when I made my choices, hahahahaha!

6:18 AM  

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