Thursday, March 30, 2006

Game 19: Batman Begins (18) vs Land of the Dead (47)

Tony, here is your award
Tony, welcome to the game! Mom finally picked the higher seed and Tony scored a point.

The big match up this time was Batman Begins (18) vs Land of the Dead (47)

Winner: Batman Begins (18) CRUSHES!!!

Mom said, "Last light I watched Batman begins... it is a score of 5
it is a great movie, the martial arts have always been my favorite way of settling a score..... ... Like everyone in the world , Gotham City where is it? Where did batman come from ?,who taught him to fly? and that wonderful batmobile who gave him that..???........ Now I know.....

Batman wins by far"


"Land of the Dead..... the word dead applies to the movie.... scoring 1
Acting not good, story poor..... "

Not many of you were surprised by this choice.

Rank Predictor Score
1 Jan - 5
2 Todd King - 5
3 PCH - 4
4 Rowan Reid - 4
5 - 3
6 Ben Owens - 3
7 Rock Star's Wife - 3
8 Bill M. - 3
9 VAsko - 3
10 Nancy - 3
11 greg - 2
12 Terry Maltos - 2
13 Tarzan - 2
14 Sara Sara - 2
15 Tony Owens - 1

Up Next!
Game 22: 2046 (10) vs War of the Worlds (55)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Game 21: Mysterious Skin (22) vs Downfall (43)

Mom has moved into her new apartment, bought a three prong converter thingy for her electrical outlet, set up her DVD player and is watching movies again. She has watched another pair, let's find which she preferred, shall we?

This time around she watched Mysterious Skin (22) vs Downfall (43).

Winner: Downfall (43)

She said, ""Mysterious Skin". rating NO OPINION .... One boy finds there is easy money in selling himself for sex. The other young boy spends his days in a world of fantasy, with foreign creatures, with a friend that has a bad leg, ect..."

"Scoring of DOWNFALL Score 5 excellent, true portrayal and commentary on the last days of A. Hitler, the final end of his monstrous leadership during WWII. I highly recommend it."

Todd finally missed one, allowing Jan to sneak up and share the lead. Bill scored a point to tie with VAsko. 25 years of knowing Mom has not helped Tony at all. To be fair, she has picked an upset everytime so far.

Rank Predictor Score
1 Jan - 4
2 Todd King - 4
3 - 3
4 Ben Owens - 3
5 PCH - 3
6 Rowan Reid - 3
7 Terry Maltos - 2
8 Rock Star's Wife - 2
9 Bill M. - 2
10 VAsko - 2
11 Nancy - 2
12 Sara Sara - 2
13 greg - 1
14 Tarzan - 1
15 Tony Owens - 0

The Etherpimp never said it was ok to call him the Easter Pimp.

Up Next!
Game 19: Batman Begins (18) vs Land of the Dead (47)

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


So, I am watching Star Wars and the Samuel Jackson character dies. You would never guess what I thought!! What else could I think: Snakes On A Plane!!!!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where for art thou, Jango!

Jango Fett
Did you notice that the last Star Wars did not break into the top 64. Well, neither did I. After all, who cares about it. But wait, this is STAR WARS we are talking about. George Lucas has the best special effects in the world, the characters are probably the most recognized in all of movies, and he had a legion of devoted fans. All he had to do was to make a movie that kind of people liked.

But the critics did like it! I guess when it came down to it they did not like it enough to put it on their top ten lists. It only got mentioned on seven top 10 lists and ended up 73 in the rankings.

When I saw Episode One, there was a woman in the theater that sighed "Finally!!" when the opening credits started to roll. I suspect by the end of that movie she was incredibly disappointed. I wonder what she thinks about Episode Three. I wonder if she has even seen it.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Game 12: Kings and Queen (15) vs Millions (50)

Catherine Deneuve.
I do not how old Mom is, but I know she is antedeneuveian.

Mom has been busy packing up for a move to a new apartment, so this pick was slow in coming. Next week she will be moving so that pick might take a while too.

The pairing this time around was Kings and Queen (15) vs Millions (50).

Winner: Millions

Mom says,"saw Millions (50) last night loved it..... score is a 5....After the money fell from the sky and the little boy would ask neighbors 'are you poor ?' and the person would explain what was missing in their flat/ home

"... his answer would always be outstanding !!!
"... how great was that...? when was the last time you heard that....? the flick was a winner."

"Kings and Queens had a little bit of "One Flew Over the Cookoo Nest" and " Kramer Verses Kramer" The Grandfather was totally off balance. The musician entering into an insane asylum to avoid paying taxes. What can you say... Not in America....

"I enjoyed Millions more than Kings and Queens....Millions is my choice. "

Mom did not give a score to Kings and Queen.

Kings and Queen (15) was ranked #1 in six different top 10 lists, an impressive feat, but this was no help. Kings and Queen even had Catherine Deneuve, but that was no help either. Millions was just too fun for Mom to resist.

I think only three people guessed this one right. Todd is on a roll! VAsko is still beating Bill. Bill hates that.

Your Rankings
Rank Predictor Score
1 Todd King - 4
2 Jan - 3
3 - 2
4 Ben Owens - 2
5 PCH - 2
6 VAsko - 2
7 Rowan Reid - 2
8 greg - 1
9 Terry Maltos - 1
10 Rock Star's Wife - 1
11 Bill M. - 1
12 Tarzan - 1
13 Nancy - 1
14 Sara Sara - 1
15 Tony Owens - 0

Up Next:
Downfall () vs Mysterious Skin ()
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